Udarika Dalugama

Udarika Dalugama is celebrated for her inventive style concepts that are consistent in their genderneutral significance through the applied art of fashion. Udarika’s collections are advocacies of gender-equality as she breaks boundaries through her designs, tearing down the routines in the dichotomy of gender-biased silhouettes. Her interpretation of the socio-ethical concerns are reflected in the designs as they embody a person rather than a body specific gender, and these approaches are carried out through her sustainable and eco-friendly practices. These characteristics together with the use of zero-waste fabric and gender-neutral figures, showcase a distinction in her collection. Thus we recognize Udarika Dalugama as one of ARTRA’s Emerging Artists | Best of 2020 for her strength in concept and expertly crafted visual representation. Udarika completed her Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design at the Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology and proceeded to obtain her Bachelors’ in Fashion Design at the Mod’Art International. She then continued to work at Brandix Lingerie Solutions and is now designer and creative director at ‘Theeq’. Udarika debuted at Colombo Fashion Week under the Emerging Designer showcase with her self-titled label ‘Udarika Dalugama’ in 2019 and has recently presented her new collection during CFW’s 2020 showcase.
Udarika Dalugama’s debut collection ‘Anonymous’ is characterized for its non-conformity to society’s standards of labels and personality, stereotypes and gender-specific body shapes. “I was inspired by the concept of inner personalities within a person. As humans, we consist of multi personalities, I believe strongly. There are layers beneath us of fear, emptiness, courage, and more” explained Udarika. Her advocacy for out-of-the-box influences inspired the collection showcased through its ambiguous cut, shape and curve of design accentuated by fabric prints. The implementation of paintings printed on fabric facilitates the concept of her notion of anonymity in character.
“This concept through which my collection was created was with few gender equal pieces including pants that are adjustable to fit both male and female bodies as well as also oversized coat structures with effects. The mix of prints and materials highlighted the collection mainly which I created with chaotic paintings, patterns combined with different layers and effects to bring out the transparency and the roughness through the collection” said the artist. Udarika’s concept transpired through a diverse range of designs that were equivocal in character to highlight the vast personalities through which a body could subsist. Udarika’s curation of pieces and fabric are structured through her integral interpretation of an ‘anonymous’ being emphasized by gender-neutral apparel and unbiased tones in colour palette from greens and whites.
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