Solo Exhibition by Ramazan Can | Anna Laudel Bodrum

Born into a late Ottoman nomad family (The Yörüks / Yuruk), Ramazan Can is inspired by his own experiences and reflects them as "a sense of belonging” in his works. In this selection, the artist gives reference to the capitalist order that reproduces itself by uprooting all cultures in order to create a new social structure. In critical theory this is called the “deterritorialization” process which destroys cultures.

Ramazan Can was born in Manisa in 1988. He graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Arts Education in 2011. In 2015, he graduated from Gazi University Fine Arts Institute Graduate School of Painting and continues his education in Gazi University Fine Arts Institute Painting Department Sufficiency in Art programme. He is also a research assistant at the Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Gazi University. Can has participated in a large number of solo and group exhibitions in Turkey and continues to work at his studio in Ankara.

His latest exhibition 'A Sense of Belonging' is on display at Anna Laudel Bodrum till the 12th October. The exhibition features artworks that establish a link between the past and the present, combining the nomadic culture with the motifs of Bodrum. This carefully curated selection of the artist was produced in his personal studio, which he describes as the only place where he feels the deepest sense of belonging. 

At the exhibition Can sets out from this notion of “deterritorialization” put forward by French writer and philosopher Gilles Deleuze and political activist and psychoanalyst Felix Guattari, who both lived in the second half of the twentieth century. During his creation process, based on his search for identity, Can explores the nomadic Yuruk culture and shamanism in light of this concept of being rootless and “the sense of belonging” and questions the act of “deterritorialization” as a way of thinking.

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8th September, 2022 Visual Art | Paintings