Faculty of Visual Arts | University of The Visual and Performing Arts

Image courtesy | Faculty of Visual Arts, University of The Visual and Performing Arts 

'Degree Show 2023’ of the students of the Faculty of Visual Art, University of the Visual and Performing Arts. Visual Art has extraordinary potential to communicate across geo-cultural boundaries, perhaps more powerfully than any oral language or a piece of writing could do.

This degree show covers both fine arts and applied arts streams including the creative works and projects relating to painting, sculpture, printmaking, visual communication, ceramic art, multimedia art, multi-disciplinary design, and textile and wearable arts. It showcases the creative expressions of the students, which were materialized through diverse research activities and experiments to the public audience.

Image courtesy | Faculty of Visual Arts, University of The Visual and Performing Arts 

Serving as a professional platform, the degree show is aimed at interconnecting the creative personalities to the creative industry and the public. After gaining strong practical and theoretical training throughout their bachelor’s honours degree programmes under nine disciplines, our graduates are now ready to serve the society.

Some of the most current and innovative works here explore the fertile arena in crossing over from traditional to contemporary creative practice. For instance, painting students who showcase their work here are eager to establish their visual investigations within the domain of the traditional media and methods creating mostly wall-based artwork to convey their conventional academic training.

In the same manner, the works of printmaking students displayed here are tied to the traditional printmaking practice but in contrast, the Sculptural objects and installations displayed in this show open up more contemporary visual and conceptual avenues for its viewers. Their materials, concepts, presentations, visual languages, and influences challenge the conventional sculpture practice. The students of art history have created work focusing more on conceptual aspects of art making rather than focusing on skills of making aesthetically appealing art objects. So the work conveys their training in art history and theory, art movements, and its current position.

The FVA Degree Show will take place from 14th to 20th September at JDA Perera Gallery of The University of the Visual and Performing Arts from 9am to 7pm. 

Image courtesy | Faculty of Visual Arts, University of The Visual and Performing Arts 


15th September, 2023 Visual Art | Paintings