By Faculty of Architecture Research Unit , University of Moratuwa & Akuru Collective in collaboration with International Advertising Association & ATypl

Are you a typography enthusiast? Have you been thinking of dabbling in the field of fonts lately? Well, here’s the perfect opportunity: The Akuru Collective presents a panel discussion of international type and typography on the 22nd of March at the Institute of Policy Studies Auditorium from 06:00PM to 09:00PM. The perfect Friday plan? That’s what we think, too:
In today’s digital landscape, people are aware of typography, design and how the world looks around them. Typography plays a huge role in a conversation about global visual culture, detailing how and why people are progressively more mindful about the visual impact of design. So, the Akura Collective, Faculty of Architectural Research Unit from the University of Moratuwa, ATypl (Association Typographique Internationale), and IAA, join to host three days of Typography, and to educate society of its substantial role. Indulge in a panel discussion and forum of typography, text technologies and fonts as infrastructure for culture and economy; you won’t want to miss out
With a great typography panel discussion, comes great typography intellects. The organizers of this erudite and insightful discussion have brainstormed quite perfectly to put together the best speakers including, Gerry Leonidas, President of ATypl; Pooja Saxena, typeface designer from India; Lalindra Nanayakkara, ECD, Leo Burnett; Muthu Nedumaran, typographer from Malaysia and Pathum Egodawatta, typographer and moderator for this discussion. Engage and experience the exchange of ideas and notions that are based on the themes of font scarcity and limited knowledge and resources digital type; how typography is affecting the design process, economic activities and the culture in Sri Lanka and the wider surrounding region.
Art is a force, like gravity; it is grey matter – a significant fragment in societal, political, economic and ethical subjects – art is constant. Typography is an art in itself; a sequence of texts, an arrangement of words, and an ensemble of letters. Moreover, typography is the art of designing and arranging printed type. It began as a craft in the 15th century with the invention of the printing press and has gradually evolved into an art form in its own right with modern digital technologies offering unprecedented creative possibilities. It is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. The term ‘typography’ is also applied to the style, arrangement, and appearance of the letters, numbers, and symbols created by the process. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? ‘Time to Talk Type’ elaborates on all of these intriguing subjects and more!
Typography helps the designers to explore the interaction between the look of type and what type actually says. The power of typography cannot be underestimated, especially in the areas of cultural identity and creative expression. It takes a collective of expertise in the field to bring out the best and add insight and new perspectives of typography, which is why this panel discussion is put together by remarkable a collection of the best organizers educated in the field of typography, including The Akuru Collective, a collective of people who come together to inspire interest in typography; ATypl (Association Typographique Internationale) is the global forum and focal point for the type community and business. They provide a structure for the type community to meet and act together. ATypl not only preserves the culture, tradition, and history of type and typography, but also promotes contemporary digital fonts, encourages outstanding typography and typographic
design, campaigns for the protection of typeface designs, influence legislators around the world and runs conferences; The Akuru Collective together with ATypl, partners with The Faculty of Architectural Research Unit from the University of Moratuwa, and IAA (International Advertising Association) to organise this event and bring together local and international experts.
The main theme that will be addressed is the teaching of typography and typeface design in universities, colleges, and self-contained courses in the broader region. The discussion will aim to provide a structure for educators and professionals to exchange information and experience. The theme looks at ways of building up and enriching study programmes, growing resources for educators, professionals, and students, and coordinate actions for growing their audience, while also looking at the impact of the growing interest in typography on the careers of educators, and how to support this growth.
Join this celebration of type, fonts and letters! Plan a career in typography and perceive your life in a different angle while broadening your knowledge and understanding this fascinating concept that is a vital element in the digital art scene!
ARTRA is Sri Lanka’s Art Magazine exploring curated content on Sri Lanka’s visual art, performance art, applied art and written art. Launched in 2012, ARTRA Magazine is a compact monthly art read providing a comprehensive understanding on Sri Lankan artists, art events, monthly art calendars and the Sri Lankan design landscape. In sum, all you need to know about art in Sri Lanka.